Self powered, no wired installation
Small, compact design
Long term battery longevity; up to 3 years
Enhanced LTE Cat M1 coverage AT&T
Waterproof, environmentally sealed against dust, water, and high-pressure spray water intrusion
Advanced battery power management with patent pending Smart Powerâ„ technology
Multiple device options and power management modes
Warranty: 2 Years
Self powered, no wired installation
Small, compact design
Long term battery longevity; up to 3 years
Enhanced LTE Cat M1 coverage AT&T
Waterproof, environmentally sealed against dust, water, and high-pressure spray water intrusion
Advanced battery power management with patent pending Smart Powerâ„ technology
Multiple device options and power management modes
Warranty: 2 Years

After your purchase is complete we will send you and email with all your important login information. Upon login you will be prompted to change the password.
If you should have any problems please don't hesitate to call, email or message us on facebook @RZRTracker
After Purchase
After Purchase
GT System Renewal Rate - $24 per year
LO System Renewal Rate - $45 per year
LO System Renewal Rate - $45 per year
Renewal of Service - 1 year Rates
Renewal of Service - 1 year Rates

Our LO Trackers can be updated every 30 seconds with locate now and an active device in cell coverage range. Let us help find your item if it's lost or stolen. Or Take advantage of our GT Series trackers that update automatically every 2 minutes!
Real time tracking
Call you local insurance agent to check with them if they offer a discount for anti-theft devices. Many of our customers have told us they have saved 20% and more by adding a tracking device. Over the course of a few years those discounts will pay for the cost of your tracking device and its service!
Insurance - Check with your local agent for discounted rates

Gorilla Compact UTV Alarm
Gorilla Compact UTV Alarm
kit 9000 - No Pager
kit 9000 - No Pager
Our new Compact UTV Alarm offers great value and protection!
This unit offers 3 distinct sensors for protection! First is the 2 Stage Shock Sensor with 7 distinct level of senesitivity! Next we have the Voltage Sensor that can trigger with power flucations from power drops or ignition starts. Tilt and Motion Alerts with its internal digital sensor!
We offer a 2-Way Pager kit with extended range remote that vibrates and sounds to notify you if an alarm is triggered from up to 1/2 mile! - OUT OF STOCK ATM
We couple this unit with a 2 Year warranty on manufacturer defects and craftsmanship.
This unit offers 3 distinct sensors for protection! First is the 2 Stage Shock Sensor with 7 distinct level of senesitivity! Next we have the Voltage Sensor that can trigger with power flucations from power drops or ignition starts. Tilt and Motion Alerts with its internal digital sensor!
We offer a 2-Way Pager kit with extended range remote that vibrates and sounds to notify you if an alarm is triggered from up to 1/2 mile! - OUT OF STOCK ATM
We couple this unit with a 2 Year warranty on manufacturer defects and craftsmanship.
US $150.00
GT950EV - IP67 Rated
GT Series devices - All GT series devices feature automatic 2 minute ping rates that automatically refresh when the device is in motion. Along with 4 hour check-ins called "Heart beats". The device and software will automatically locate 5 of your most frequent stops. When no longer in motion for a minimum of 5 minutes the device will note a stop location on your map with how long you've been stopped. These devices all offer customizeable geo-zone shapes and text and email alerts! User can set low battery custom alerts by specifying at what voltage they'd like to get alerted at. Users are able to see their vehicle battery voltage through the portal/application. All GT Devices are 4G LTE.
GT1800 - Runs on Verizon & AT&T networks Ideal for vehicle installations from cars, trucks, racecars, desert runners and more! This is a power packed economical device with and affordable price! Including a 400 mAh back up battery. This device is not waterproof.
GT950EV - Most Popular - Runs on Verizon & AT&T networks - This IP67 rated device is Ideal for Side by Sides, ATVs, Sportbike Riders, Seadoo, Boats, Snowmobiles, Construction equipment or anything else that requires the harshest of enviroments to be tracked in. With the smallest overal height of all the devices makes it easier to hide. This device has a back up battery of 400mAh. RATED WATERPROOF
All GT Devices are 4G LTE and come standard with 1 year of service included.
All GT Devices are 4G LTE and come standard with 1 year of service included.
Each additional year only $24 - GT System has fully built iOS/Android Applications Most locations are 2 day delivery.
US $340.00
GT950EV & GT502 & Alarm Complete Combo Kit
$50 Discount
GT Applications
GT System iOS/Android Compatible
US $190.00
GT950EV & UTV Compact Alarm
US $17.00
Relay & IO Harness
Starter or Fuel Pump kill harness
US $25.00
Decoy Device
Decoy Device With Harness - highly recommended
$75 Discount total
Kit 9000 only - see below for details
The Most Affordable GPS Tracking For All Vehicle Systems 12v to 24v
Try Our Gettracking "GT" System
We welcome anybody to try our GT System out. We take pride in being the most affordable GPS Tracking company out on the market. Nobody can touch our prices when you look at the 2 year cost of ownership!
Take our system for a test drive
Username:. Gettracking
Password: Track1234
Take our system for a test drive
Username:. Gettracking
Password: Track1234
GT1800 Ideal for vehicle installations from Cars, Trucks, Race-cars, Desert runners and more!
This is a power packed economical device with and affordable price! Including a 400 mAh
back up battery. This device does have the ability to control a 5v relay. This can be a "NO"
Normally open or "NC" Normally closed relay. This device is not waterproof just resistant.
GT1800 - has a internation sim that allows it to use Verizon and AT&T towers in the US, Roger and Telus in Canada. Will have less dead spots being able to switch between carriers.
Normally open or "NC" Normally closed relay. This device is not waterproof just resistant.
GT1800 - has a internation sim that allows it to use Verizon and AT&T towers in the US, Roger and Telus in Canada. Will have less dead spots being able to switch between carriers.
US $17.00
Relay & IO Harness
GT950EV - Most Popular - Runs on Verizon & AT&T & Telus - This IP67 rated device is Ideal for Side by Sides, ATVs, Sportbike Riders, Seadoo, Boats, Snowmobiles, Construction equipment or anything else that requires the harshest of enviroments to be tracked in. With the smallest overal height of all the devices makes it easier to hide. This device has a back up battery of 400mAh. This device
does have the ability to control a 5v relay. This can be a "NO" Normally open or "NC" Normally
closed relay. -- has a international Telus sim that allows it to use Verizon and AT&T towers in the US, Roger and Telus in Canada. Will have less dead spots being able to switch between carriers.
GT950EV Device
US $25.00
Decoy Device
Decoy Device With Harness - highly recommended
Starter or Fuel Pump kill harness
Save Big With Our GPS Tracking & Alarm Combo Kits!
Get the most safety for your UTV/ATV/Trailer and More!
US $135.00
Water resistant
US $175.00
GT1800 Device - This GT1800 is similar to our GT950T but has a coverage area of US/Mexico with AT&T service provider.
United States and Mexico Coverage
US Domestic shipping - email for internationl rates
Three Devices with a deep discount!
GT502 - Battery Powered Tracker
This device is designed to be used for applications where power may not be accessible.
Great for trailers and simple tracking operations. This device life span is 2 years on its
battery life. This device is designed to check in every 11 hours. It can be switched into an
active track mode on its next available check-in cycle for recovery methods. This unit is
capable of geofencing notifications. Most installs for this device can take less then 5 minutes.
Self powered, no wired installation
Small, compact design
Long term battery longevity; up to 2 years
Enhanced LTE Cat M1 coverage AT&T
Waterproof, environmentally sealed against dust, water, and high-pressure spray water intrusion
Advanced battery power management with patent pending Smart Powerâ„ technology
Multiple device options and power management modes
Warranty: 2 Years
Self powered, no wired installation
Small, compact design
Long term battery longevity; up to 2 years
Enhanced LTE Cat M1 coverage AT&T
Waterproof, environmentally sealed against dust, water, and high-pressure spray water intrusion
Advanced battery power management with patent pending Smart Powerâ„ technology
Multiple device options and power management modes
Warranty: 2 Years
US $125.00
US $17.00
Vehicle OBD2 Plug and Play Harness
Simply Plug into OBD2 and connect to device and go. Install in under 2 minutes
US $17.00
Vehicle Y OBD2 Harness
Make installing a breeze without while
keeping your OBD2 port free and functional
US $95.00
US $30.00
Canadian Post
Add This To Ship Directly To Canada
GT504 - Battery Powered Tracker
This device is designed to be used for applications where power may not be accessible. Great for trailers and simple tracking operations. This device life span is 3 years on its battery life.
This device is designed to check in every 4 hours. It can be switched into an active
track mode on its next available check-in cycle for recovery methods. This unit is capable
of geofencing notifications. Most installs for this device can take less then 5 minutes.
US $175.00
This ABS wired device cover is designed to be used on device that need to be placed
This ABS wired device cover is designed to be used on device that need to be placed
outside of typical install locations. The cover is designed to get maximum satellite signal
and protect the device from being tampered with on the outside of enclosed trailers.
Made to be placed on the roof, or on Tongue Boxes and dump trailer boxes that made
Made to be placed on the roof, or on Tongue Boxes and dump trailer boxes that made
need improved GPS Signal. The 3M
VHb tape will require over 200ft lbs
of force to remove once sealed on.
Simply wipe down and clean area
with an Alcohol wipe, clean of any grease or residue. Lightly heat area to a temperature of
80-90 degree F and lightly heat ABS to make sure it conforms fully to the surface and
apply firmly for 10 minutes. Cures in 24 hours for maximum bond.
US $17.00
Device Cover for Hiding and protecting exposed devices
US $25.00
US $12.00
US $25.00
US $17.00